document.write('') document.write('
') document.write('Free My Soul
By Albert Kung 40027201

') document.write('How many people pass me by
How many gazes of empty eye
As I offer my lonely soul
Eyes of strangers turn into foe

When music fills the midnight air
Awakens my nerves from solitaire
Those sounds of joy and happiness
Shattered by the feelings of loneliness

Blossoming flowers capture my heart
Capture in silence as silence apart
Carrying in breeze the fragrant air
Penetrates my soul with empty flare

Even the power of nobility
Flaunting their wealth in pomposity
Try to ensnare my sanity
But vanquished in vain in vanity

I turn to search for consolation
From stars of distant constellation
Staring at me with flickering lights
Sharing my loneliness in silent nights

How can I quench my lonely soul
I try love but love turns into foe
I try friends but friends fade away
What can I do to make them stay

I ask people who pass me by
They stare at me with listless eye
What can I do for me to console
Just fly to the stars to free my soul

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