document.write('苏醒 Awake
document.write('by 李珊
意识 深一脚浅一脚 穿过迷雾 犹疑不定地 在身体的城堡探路 低语从遥远的世界游来 在知觉的岸边沉浮 灵魂片刻间抽离 遗下麻木的身躯 在静止的病床上 如舞台搁置的道具 屋顶的白炽灯 如正午无遮无档的阳光 将空间漂得苍白 衬着毫无生气的肢体 摊软如一尾解冻不久的鱼 跌跌撞撞 意识执意地敲打 每一扇可能清醒的门窗 终于让眼睛开启一线城门 向外张望 却惊动了知觉 如水蛇般窜过创伤的湖面 使躯体发出疼痛的低吭 醒来 已恍若隔世
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document.write('translated by Albert Kung
subconscious fumbling through thickened fog stumble in the citadel of my body whispers waft from far eddies of consciousness
my soul exhumed from my mummified body motionless on a hospital bed embrace in the theatric settings with spot lights bright sun bleached air entrenched a lifeless body
that incessant hammering by the bewildered conscious in an entrapped door cracked open a sliver of awareness surprise the cognizance of my staring eyes feeling like a writhing snake on a broken lake moan my aching body
finally awake feeling eons away
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