document.write("by 王星
拿到签证的夜里 我将护照交到她的手中 甚至不敢抬头看一眼 她那双含泪的眼睛 午夜凄凉的寂静 心快要从口里蹦出 我知道 此时此刻 只要任何一方 那怕是说出一个字 就完全可以把我留下 没有 你为什么没有 也许是怕那温柔的一瞬 会留下一个长久的酸楚
十年过去了 当初狼狈逃离的那一幕 仿佛就在昨天 我甚至可以找出无数条 你不让我走的原因 却找不到一条 不回家娶你的理由 如果有一天 在一个你梦里也想不到的地方 发现了这首小诗 也许我那颗愧悔的心 会有一丝丝的慰籍
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document.write("translated by Albert Kung
the night I received my visa I handed it to you I dared not to look at your eyes your welling eyes In the silence of that dreary night my ranging heart almost popped I knew at that moment all I need was a simple trigger or just a simple word would change my mind to make me stay but, you were so reticent may be I was afraid of your bewildering glance that would left me with a long lasting scar
now, ten years had past that heart breaking moment still lingers as if it were yesterday I knew I could find a thousand reasons for you to ask me to stay but, I could not find a single reason to come back to marry you if one day in a place beyond the corner of your dream when you discover this little poem it will be the moment for my apologetic heart to feel a smidgen of comfort ")
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