document.write("by 左 迪
游离在梦醒的边缘 装饰的快乐 随意点缀零度的春天 偶然的照面 似曾的容颜 久违的心绪闪了电 坦白的弱点 魔鬼的语言 堕落的快感 骄狂的痴癫 挥霍的花色流年 听懂以后 想好之前 空白的段落 选择今生能否幸免 放慢的脚步 点燃的烟 晴朗的午后 两张原本陌生的脸 茫茫尘世 绿女红男 不屑的神情 迷乱的醉眼 悲情主角难道注定无语擦肩
狭路相逢 演变一夜孤枕 从此温暖如水蔓延 狂野的气息 妖娆的笑妍 欲望的红唇 留给了虚伪的轻衫 纠缠的视线 思念的斑点 放纵的锋芒淋漓畅酣 谁说女人善变 善变的其实只是 轮回的时间 相信一见钟情 相信一生情牵 相信流星闪过就会结下同心圆 纵然 遭遇的霎那 你我已相隔光年 纵然 璀璨的烈焰 只有燃尽没有永远 亲爱的 我还是会说一万次 我情愿 ")
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document.write("Translated by Albert Kung
meandering by the shore of my dream pleasure mascaras its fortuitous embellishment
casual reflection of a familial face flashed a moment of betrayal where honesty demised, devil flared pleasures degenerated, hubris crazed halcyons days squandered all cloaked in a blank rumination
in this bright early afternoon strolling on a festive street with a lighted cigarette two strangers met lascivious stares of disdained presence ignited a romantic interlude
brushing acquaintance turned into a one night stand not a word was said passion oozed in savage breath salacious laughter in poignant lips loose imprints of wanton shirt entangled visions of doted memories ecstasy exacerbated
who says women are capricious believe in love at first sight believe in everlasting fervor believe in serendipity of shooting stars it is only because the vicissitude of the transmigration of time
even so that ephemeral moment of encounter wedged into light years passion fizzles there is no eternity but, to you my dear I will repeat a million times I am still willing
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